

Why teachers ought to collect statistics?

What information about students may be interested in teachers and how to collect them without spending a lot of time.

Indicators of the educational process is not only about attendance and grades. It consists of tiny parts, most of which the teacher is not fixing, and at best learns. This is understandable: the paperwork too much, and the curriculum does not fit within the available time limit and not allow many stops on the same topic. However, those data that can be collected quickly, you should not refuse.

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What statistics can you collect?

Statistics can be anything. It may be data that the teacher collects on their own, watching the progress of class and individual students to understand:

  • What evaluations are given to the student for different types of jobs, what are the dynamics of his success?
  • What are the typical mistakes a student?
  • How often do student problems with discipline, whether they became more frequent or infrequent?
  • The activity of the student at the lesson? The student became more active or less?

Also the teacher can obtain important information through the feedback from students, learning, for example:

  • Did the disciples the lesson, the format of the lesson?
  • How many students have learned the subject and can move on, and how much more work was needed on the topic?
  • To the collection of information became dull and routine, you need to determine what data you need and why.

For example, you know, what interest and comfort in the classroom will help to ensure that children better learn the material. And want to understand whether or not the right atmosphere in class to organize. It is best to not rely just on their feelings, and to know the opinion of children themselves.

With the help of small surveys, you can get a few minutes to gather almost any information of interest. Ask students to evaluate past lessons, and to indicate that it was interesting and memorable, and that, on the contrary, did not like it; have them write, what topics do not fully understand.

Remember that many of the things students would rather write (moreover, the survey can be anonymous), what is there to talk with the whole class.

Perhaps you advocate the individual approach to students, and try as often as possible to give them tasks appropriate to their interests and abilities. Conducting lessons and checking homework, you can keep your files or checklists with comments for each student on the issues that you most care about: discipline (whether in time or came late, did observations for the behavior), initiative (manifested themselves in class), academic performance.

Or, for example, your item includes frequent performances of students with reports, and you want to use this, they learned how to stay confident when public speaking in the future. It may be useful to such a check-list:

Also useful may be the error count on the results of the test work. This file may contain statistics on major errors of pupils, the types of jobs that they failed to perform. The result of test work and should be not only assess how much information about what the success of the class.

How can statistics help?

Even if you think you know your students inside out and remember all their successes and failures, statistics class can still help. Here are some examples of how this information might be useful.

Statistics will help to notice the decline in the interest of student to classes and fix the situation before it will affect the estimates. The collected data will be an important argument in conversations with the student or his parents about progress in school. If you operate with specific figures, your criticism will be hard to call it biased, but your suggestions and advice rather listen.

Statistics allows you to better plan the next tasks for the class and individual pupils on a certain topic well worth looking in more detail, the job of some type should be repeated in the following tests, and these three disciples should give additional materials.

Collected for the year information can be used when developing the curriculum for next year. Analysis of the information will allow you to grow as a teacher — to see what lessons were less effective, and what more.

Sharing collected data with students, you will demonstrate to them how build their evaluation and will understand what is expected of them, what is the purpose. Talk about the work of the class will help to motivate students to achieve best performance.

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How to keep statistics?

You can, of course, and the old-fashioned use of any teacher’s Notepad but much more efficient and faster to use of the technology.

So, analogous to your notebook may be a service such as Evernote. Survey perfect service Plickers, which we already wrote. Also surveys and such engagement can be organize with the help of social networks, both conventional and specialty — type Edmondo designed specifically for teachers and students.

Fresh app Kiddom (only in English) allows the teacher to plan lessons and assignments tailored to each student to assess their progress on the easy charts and graphs.

The visualization of statistical data in General is a necessary thing — so information is much easier to use and share with students and their parents. In the comments can you tell us about your experience with statistics in school. What data you collected, what, what results have you got?

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