

Social network for kids

Many parents perceive the child’s desire to have his personal page in social networks with concern. Are these fears justified?

According to the study, which was conducted in 2013, the “Foundation for Internet Development” with the support of Google among adolescents and parents digital competence of adults and children in our country are about the same and is one-third of the maximum possible. It turns out that adults fear for children in the online space, not because they know a lot about him, but rather because they themselves know nothing about him. Among adults, there are misconceptions about networking and their harm to students. Often they only increase anxiety and do not contribute to constructive resolution of conflict situations that may arise with respect to online communication in children.

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Misconception 1. If a child begins to communicate in networks, he will not learn to build relationships with people in real life.

Many parents are afraid that the network will literally entangle a child, and he will not be able to make new friends offline. In fact, if this is so, it speaks about psychological difficulties, which are likely not to use social networks. Online interaction, on the contrary, sometimes it helps to establish contact with those with whom it is impossible to do face to face, and to transfer the experience of positive interaction in life.

Misconception 2. The child is still not Mature enough to safely survive the offensive comments that often provokes online communication.

Many adults know it hurts to read criticism and caustic jokes. And not everyone can boast the ability to take it painful. But, unfortunately, it’s part of life. Insulting comments start on the Playground and accompany us in adult life. Online or offline, children are faced with rejection, misunderstanding and other negative things that you need to learn to do something, to overcome. Network worsen the situation only by the fact that they are very easy to leave any comment. But this is a feature today, in our age it is difficult to avoid online communication.

Misconception 3. Social networks are dangerous if spending a lot of time. So the main thing is that the child is “sitting in the network” smaller.

If you do not know how to use matches, you need quite a bit of time to the fire happened. Even if the child spends in the network, five minutes, it must be that, for example, you can not give your personal data to strangers that are the fraudsters and paid apps that you can accidentally buy. Limiting the duration of online sessions solve other problems, primarily related discipline and health.

Misconception 4. A child should not use social networks to achieve 13 years of age (16, 18, and so on).

The most common online applications install in the user agreement “age threshold”: to have their accounts they can only users under 13 years of age. This is due to the legislation in the sphere of protection of personal data. But this does not mean that there is no magic date after which the network will automatically become child safe and harmless. No matter what age the person is not started the first page, he will need to settle in the new world of online communication.

Online safety is not much different from security in real life, it operates on the same principle: forewarned is forearmed.

For example, that is why the staff advise parents not to resist the movement of children towards online communication, and to lead him along the way to tell about all the intricacies. You can start with help you create a personal account. In this case, the child should be informed about the privacy settings, that the Internet is a public space, so you should always keep in mind who you will see posted photos and messages.

Most of the problems that arise when communicating in social networks is associated with a sensation that everything is unreal, everything is a game. Is necessary to explain that here, just like in real life, and careless word could really be offending someone.

In the same way as we explain the rules of behavior in public places, we must explain the rules of conduct online. The main idea simply stated: your actions in the network no less real than offline actions and real consequences can be. Children at an early age, explain that it is dangerous to trust an unfamiliar adult. Tell us how to be in the case of the obsessive attention by an unknown person. The same applies to the communication networks.

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Member of the working group on the elaboration of rules of conduct students in the social networks talked about the need to for children educational safety courses, and invited the teacher defended the position that familiarity with the rules of conduct on the Internet should occur during the immediate activities of a student. Sharing culture online and offline, during joint training and socializing to pay attention to safety rules, information dissemination, communication. In the end, social networking is created for communication, and they can be used actively in the learning process.

Treat social media only as to what should be banned or strictly controlled — so not to miss important point. Great! You now have another channel through which you can get to know his internal world, Hobbies, friends. Here you will be able to analyze the different situations. It’s so comfortable here to share interesting information and connect with like-minded communities. In the end, it was grown by their personal example and collaborative activities can show your child what to do with the social network: “to hang” in it or use as a tool for more interesting tasks.

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