

Contemporary tech in education Part 2

And as an example of successful innovation, we want to bring a few so called “New schools” of the twentieth century, to focus on that part of the reason we can even today.

“New school” of the twentieth century. To name just a few examples of such schools.

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“School for life, through life”

Was opened in Belgium. The process of education and learning in this school was based on the interaction with wildlife, and the slope was on the freedom and activities of the students and constant interaction with their families. During training process were taken into account peculiarities of thinking of the children, and they tried to attach to different kinds of activities, from observing what is happening before expressing their relationship to it. The environment of the children was one of the important components of learning.

School “free education”

Was opened in Leipzig and a few other places. This school believed that student learning of any one particular craft or subject matter is inappropriate. In this school there were no classes or curriculum, but there was no time constraints in the process of interaction of pupils and teachers. A decisive landmark was the interest of the students and their holistic development. Teachers set before themselves the same goal – to provide students the fullest possible picture of what phenomena occur in the world.

“Open school”

Were opened in the UK. They were approved individual the nature of the process of education, which did not require compliance with the plans and programmes. Was missing classes and lessons as such, the schedule mode, the system of evaluation and monitoring of students. Schedule was flexible, and the teacher planned themes and activities together with the students. The main method of study was the “method of discovery”, implying independent comprehension of the children surrounding environment and their expression.

“Year round school”

The ball opened in the United States. Here the students have learned all year, but after every 45 days left on a two week vacation. The result was that the children were given training as many days as is customary in ordinary schools, but was always relaxed and refreshed, which greatly increased their academic performance, and efficiency of the learning process.

“Snow classes” and “Sea classes”

Were opened in the United States. In “Snow school” the children were acquainted with the nature of people’s lives and their way of life in the mountains, when it was time for recess. In “Sea school” students were trained during travel by sea.

“Non-graded school”

Were also opened in the United States. “Non-graded school” was a school where there was no division into classes by year. The educational process consisted of several cycles, each of which each student was trained individually, taking into account his personal characteristics and interests.

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“Labor school”

All of these schools were opened several: they were in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France and Russia. In these schools students were provided with vocational training, which from an early age focused on their work as something of great value, as well as for an important part of culture. The learning process was based on the autonomy of pupils and organization of government.

In addition to these schools may be mentioned “School work” and “Laboratory school”, “school Gaming”, “Organic school”, a Waldorf school, and others. But it was in the twentieth century, and now the situation has changed, although of course the foundations on which was based the “New school” are relevant today, but among them is not enough.

Anyway, today the world is puzzled by the problem of the education of youth, as citizens of the planet, and international educational space is in the process of unceasing development. The whole world strives to provide people a global education strategy which did not depend on where a person lives or from the present level of its development.

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